Do I need to create a new user ID and password? If you played in 2021, 22, 23 OR 2024, no, you already have a user ID. Please use your existing credentials. If you need to reset, just reset. Reusing your credentials will avoid you needing to upload a photo and a copy of your driver’s license.
If you are new to GLWSL, yes, create a new user ID and password.
What kind of photo do I need to upload? It’s basically a passport-style head shot. No pets or family in the shot with you! GLWSL cannot process your registration without a headshot that meets the size and clarity requirements.
Why do I need to upload my driver’s license? USASA requires proof of identity and proof of age eligibility. Please make sure you upload your driver’s license (or birth certificate) in the “birth documents” upload area, and not the “photo upload” area. Photos are not protected as sensitive data, whereas your driver’s license image will be stored in a data-protected area created by USASA if you upload it correctly. GLWSL cannot process your registration without a proof of your age that matches your registered name.
I have an existing account, but I changed my name – Please update your uploaded driver’s license with your new name, besides changing your name in your user account profile.
I have an existing account, but I’ve moved – If you merely moved to a new address, we don’t need you to upload a new copy of your driver’s license. All you need to do is simply update your user account profile with your new address (and/or phone number, and/or email address).
When will my card be charged? When you hit “complete registration”, your card will not yet be charged. GLWSL won’t process your payment until your registration has been accepted by our league registrar. GLWSL has no mechanism to accept cash or check payments. Only credit and debit cards with the “Visa” and “MasterCard” logos will work. Yes, there is a processing fee, dictated by the contract that MSA has with SoccerConnect. Sorry, we have no control over that. For a player registration of $35, the fee was $0.88, so it’s not huge.
I’m registering myself, and I’m adult; Why do I have to check the “parent/guardian” consent acknowledgement? Because life is full of silly bureaucracy? SoccerConnect won’t let you finish your registration without you checking “I accept” for the Assumption and Acknowledgement of Risk, and the parent/guardian area; GLWSL also requires you to read and accept our player/manager code of conduct.
Is there a ‘help’ document with screen shots? I’m a visual thinker… Yes, right here!
The password reset doesn’t seem to work for me – we had the same problem… because we were using a password that was longer than eight characters, and it had more than just letters and numbers. The SoccerConnect system is unable to deal with the types of passwords you’re accustomed to using these days. Your password can only be 7 or 8 characters long, and can only contain UPPER CASE, lower case, and digits. Less than seven won’t work; more than eight won’t work; using $p@c!aL characters won’t work either.
I’m still having trouble resetting my password, recovering my user ID, merging multiple user IDs, or other such “tech” issues – please contact SoccerConnect’s tech support
help desk at 855-860-0213. GLWSL has no tech support admin credentials to be able to do that kind of debugging for you (or for our own selves, frankly)